Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Top 10 Things Pageant Titleholders Have Heard

It is really sweet when friends and family, but particularly strangers when you are out crowning around, come up and let you know they are happy for you. Especially when it is from a sweet older lady who reminiscences about when these competitions all began.

"What do you actually do?"
This is a common question I get, but as more and more of us titleholders get out there with appearances and fundraising, the more our actions will speak for our words. Charitable giving, being a role model and representing your local area at a national level is a great way to start answering this question.

"Why are you wearing a crown?"
I’ve had this followed by, “Aren’t you a bit old to be wearing a tiara?” Ouch. Yes it does feel a bit like dress up when you first wear one, but after a while you feel naked without it! Honestly go get one and see why I wear it! If you’re proud of your achievements you’d want to show it off a little, wouldn’t you?

"Can I try it on?"
The perfect response to my answer above. Why of course!

"Can I have a picture please?"
Absolutely. We are here to spread the word and we love a picture. Obvs.

"Is it not demeaning standing on stage in a bikini?"
Firstly I haven’t done that. While some competitions and competitors do, it also doesn’t bother me. Since when does what I wear detract from me being a strong woman, or cause me to lose my dignity and respect? What I do is empowering, regardless of attire.

"It must be good money right?"
Actually most of what I do is free, and I like it that way as businesses and events I support know I am not doing it for money or out of obligation, but because I want to carry out my duties and spend my time with them. But I also still treat it like a job – with respect and responsibility.

"So you must want to be a model?"
Some titleholders do and have gone to be really successful at modelling. However, each of us are unique and want to pursue various career paths.

"Do you believe in world peace?"
Urgh, seriously this is my pet peeve. Okay firstly who doesn’t want world peace? Exactly! It is very unrealistic but if we can work towards it through helping charitable organisations and peaceful campaigns then why not aim high!? Titleholders have gone on into politics before so watch out!

"Good luck!"
Thank you!

What you have been asked or heard? Let me know :) xxx


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