Sunday, 15 March 2015

My First Blog as Miss Hampshire 2015

Wow! Just wow! This is my first blog as Miss Hampshire 2015 and I’m still not used to it. Although I have worn my crown A LOT. And then my Mum stole it for a bit. I’m just so happy after working hard for so many years that it finally paid off.

Some things just come together in the right place and at the right time, and I believe that happened on Saturday, March 14th 2015 for me.

What inspired me:

I recently watched an interview with Rolene Strauss, the current Miss World, and as she explains, the first time she entered to represent her country, South Africa, she didn’t win. She said she was looking up to all these other beautiful and talented young women, and was trying to be like them. Rolene wasn’t being true to herself. She continues to say in the interview that she realised this, and stopped trying to fit in and be like everybody else – she stopped trying to fit into someone else’s mould and made her own box.

I truly believe that interview made me think completely differently, and that’s why I won. I’ve always looked up to past and present Miss England’s and Miss Hampshire’s, and while I will still do so, I won’t try and be like them so much – instead I’ll be me.

We should embrace our uniqueness, our quirks and flaws. So I have made my own box. I’m in the oil and gas industry, belly dance for fun, raises awareness and funds for NHS charities and I used to want to be an elephant zookeeper. And yes, I’d also like to be Miss England. I’ve accepted myself, and this past year has taught me so much about what I really care for, and who I want to grow into.

So celebrate being you!

A big thanks:

A massive thank you has to go out to the whole Miss Hampshire team – Paula, Gideon, Lorna, David and the helpers Rebecca, Coral and her lovely friend Emma. I really hope I make you proud during this year! A big thank you also to all the sponsors and all the contestants - your support is amazing! Let's continue this, and support Mark and Nicola all the way! Team Hants!

My cause:

A massive part of my life is dedicated to fundraising for BWAP and Southampton Hospital Charity. I am running the Southampton half-marathon next month and appreciate all donations big or small. Thank you for your generosity. To donate visit my page.


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