Miss & Mr Hampshire Photo & Training Day - Top 4 Tips
Yesterday the Miss & Mr Hampshire training day and photographic round took place. I've competed in the previous years and this is the first time the training day was offered, and it was a fantastic addition to the competition.
By David Freeman Photography
Organiser of the competition Paula, with reigning queen Charlotte, choreographer Lorna and photographer David put us through our places, advised us and prepped us for the competition as much as possible.
Discussing charity work, PR & promotion, as well as eco wear, catwalk techniques and interview preparation, there were invaluable gems of advice. Here are my tips I took away from each amazing member of the Miss & Mr Hampshire:
1) David Freeman - "Be natural"
What David means in these two simple words encompasses lots of aspects of the competition. Not just meaning in posing for a photo, David advised us on looking natural make-up wise, and relaxing as if we have a natural flair for such pageantry. He made me feel so at ease during my photo round, and I will repeat these words when I start to tense up when I get nervous - undoubtedly on the night!
2) Charlotte Giles - "Consistency is key"
Charlotte places 16th in the Miss England finals in 2014, so she knows what she is talking about. Besides being stunning, Charlotte is a proper all rounder. I've never seen a national contestant be in as many top spots as she was last year. So her lesson is a lesson we should all take on board, and aim for doing well in every round. Play to your strengths and conquer your weaknesses.
3) Lorna Bews - "Hold your head high"
Look, it is scary walking in sky scraper high heels in front of a large audience. Plus imagine if you end up at Miss World, where how many billion people around the world are watching you on t.v.? Yes that is pretty daunting. But we should all be proud how far we have come, and be proud walking on that stage. Lorna knows as a dancer and former contestant how to present herself confidently, and it starts with holding your head eye, like you belong on that stage. Make it like your second home, and milk it.
4) Paula Langley - "Speak from the heart"
I have a tons of reasons why I think I could make a great Miss Hampshire. However, when all these thoughts are running through your head, it is difficult to converse them well. But Paula said don't over-rehearse and I am totally guilty of doing that in the past. When you want something so badly, you practice as much as possible, but for the interview round sometimes saying how you really feel is more important. Judges want to see the real you, and they can tell who's really speaking like they mean it, and who's reading from a script.
I'll be writing up a few reasons why I think I would make a good Miss Hampshire over the coming days to compartmentalise all my thoughts and feelings on the competition, but in the meantime I'll be thinking about these great tips and preparing for the final countdown! Less than three weeks folks!
P.S. I'm still fundraising for BWAP & Southampton Hospital Charity. Please check out my charity page and donate - it would mean so much and thank you to all that already have. <3
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